Some of the Reasons Why Spirits Remain Earth-Bound
1. Lack of Religious Beliefs
Some people have no religious beliefs and so have no expectations of any life after death. They have no comprehension of the process of dying and have never heard of the white light, so don’t realize that it will guide them home to the Other Side where the spirits are. This spirit expects simply to die and thinks that this is the end of the circle of life, so they drift around for years completely oblivious to the fact that there is another place to go.
2. Strong Religious Beliefs
Some people have strong religious beliefs and may believe that after death, they automatically will find themselves in heaven. Since that normally does not happen and they have to choose to move into the light to move to the Other Side, they may not know that and as a result may stay earth-bound, not knowing why. On the other hand, some people believe that when they die, they go into a spiritual sleep and are to be resurrected in a new physical body later when Jesus returns. As a result, rather than going into the light and going to the Other Side, they choose to go into a “spiritual sleep” and stay there for years waiting for Jesus to wake them up. They remain there in a groggy state until someone finds them and helps them move on.
3. Strong Feelings of Guilt
Spirits can be held earth-bound by a strong feeling of guilt that binds them to a specific place or living person. This can be a home, place of work or the scene of an accident or to a friend or loved one. Some may choose to stay earth-bound and try to make amends with the people they mistreated or were mean to in life, but if they cannot communicate with them, they stay earth-bound for years. As a result, they may just surround the living person with their negative energy and feelings, that is being transferred from this earth-bound person to the living person. These poor souls who are trying to make amends, don’t realize that they are not helping either themselves or their families by remaining in limbo. While, they may see the light, they may not see any point in going there, as they believe that they would not be welcome there because of the things that the did in life, at least until they make amends.
I have encountered earth-bound spirits who have done things in life to people who died before them and they now do not want to face them on the Other Side. They may either have cheated that person financially or sexually and are afraid to face that deceased person now. I have found that explaining to them that the other person will forgive them when they see them again, usually convinces them to move on.
4. Fear of Death and Dying (and Hell or Purgatory)
Other earth-bound spirits may have a strong fear of death and dying and become trapped in fear because of it. In life they became indoctrinated that there is only Heaven and Hell at death. Guilt and fear of judgement and punishment stops them from moving into the light and over to the Other Side. They remain here by choice for they think what is waiting on the Other Side is very undesirable.
5. Lack of Self-Worth
Some people have gone through life rejected by society, never receiving respect, support or reassurance and so they cannot believe that they would ever find love and security in the next life. As a result, these spirits again, choose to stay here rather than go to the Other Side, for they cannot believe that the Other Side could be any better than their negative experiences here.
6. The Obstinate Spirit
Some people are obstinate in life and this has not changed after death, since our temperament does not change at death. These spirits have decided to stay here rather than leave just because they want to and no one, not even the spirit of a deceased loved one who has come to take them to the other side, is going to change their mind.
7. Held Back by Love
The love bond can be very strong between some people. After some people die, they want to stay close to the one they love and to watch over them since this person is still living. They do not realize that if they move into the light and go to the Other Side, they will be free to return anytime they want, to visit their loved one. They also need to realize that the loved one that is left behind will eventually have to come to terms with this loss and move on, so eventually the deceased person needs to pull away, at least for a time, so their loved one can heal and move on with their own life. At that point the deceased loved one may choose to return and visit more from the Other Side.
8. Concern Over Unfinished Business
Some people, after they die, stay around because of various things that still need to be done. It may be to help the ones left behind with their finances. It may be that they want their family to know where their will was left. It might only be that they want to let their loved ones know that while their body died, they are still alright in spirit. If a person was murdered, the earth-bound spirit may stay around until they can communicate to someone living, who the murder was.
9. Personal Attachment to Things They Owned in Life
People can get so attached to their homes and possessions in life that after they die, they want to stay with their belongings or homes. As a result, rather than moving on, they stay around in their homes and watch over their things. While they may get a vague idea that their possessions are being dispersed, while earth-bound in spirit, they still see their home and possessions as they were in the location where they were, when they were living, even if they are moved. As a result, they may feel the most comfortable staying with their things rather than moving on, since they see their home and belongings still as they were. They may have a vague understanding that new people are around, but they still continue to live in the time frame that they died in. They normally need someone to communicate with them and explain the advantages of moving on.
10. Heaven is Overcrowded – They Think There is no Room
One ridiculous reason that people may stay earth-bound after death is because for some reason, they do not think that Heaven or the afterlife could not possibly have enough space for all the people who have died on the earth since the beginning of time. It may be that they feel that there is so much space on earth after they die, that they do not want to go to the Other Side for they imagine it as crowded with all the people who have died in the past.
11. Extreme Trauma at Death
Sometimes people die as the result of extreme circumstances like a brutal murder or a severe accident. When they die as a result of this extreme situation, and after they die, they may find that they are trapped in the continuing pain, emotional anguish or terror that they experienced at death. They may, by no fault of their own, continue to dwell on and hold on to the pain and trauma they experienced. As a result, they are not able to see where they need to go to move on and may not able to communicate with spirits who come to take them there. They may need, for some unknown reason, to have contact with the physical body of someone who can feel the pain of their death so that they can give it up. Usually it involves contact with a medium who can both take on this pain and can communicate with this person. After they let go of the trauma, terror or pain, they are able to see clearly and move into the light and on to the Other Side.
12. Unexpected Sudden Death
When people die expectantly in a sudden car accident or in a war battle, they may not even realize that they are dead. It is not uncommon for dead soldiers to continue fighting the battle even after they die. If they see their dead body, they may know that they are dead, but since their death was so sudden, they may not believe it is them. Also, many times, no one comes from the Other Side to guide them into the light. Other times, the earth-bound spirit may wander around not knowing that they are dead and yet not understand why people cannot see or hear them. They have no concept of the passing of time, so do not know that they may have remained earth-bound for years. This is one of the reason the apparitions of earth-bound soldiers is seen regularly at the Lundy's Lane Cemetery in Niagara Falls, the site of the War of 1812 battle where hundreds of soldiers were killed.
At the site of a train crash in Dundas, Ontario that took place over a hundred years ago, it is common for people to see the apparitions of a group of people wearing old-fashioned clothing waiting to get on the train. When they died in the original train crash, they did not realize they had died and only knew that they are no longer on the train. That is why they stay beside the tracks waiting to get on every passing train, expecting it to stop for them and take them to their original destination. They normally appear at night with each passing train as apparitions or as hundreds of orbs moving toward the passing train. As far as I know, no rescue medium has visited the site and helped them move on.
13. Lost and Left Alone at Death
For some unknown reason, some people die and and no one comes from the Other Side to guide them to the spirit world. No one really knows why. One of the best examples of this is when one finds the earth-bound spirits of children. Often, a medium will find the spirit of a child, lost and alone, looking for their parents. No one knows why a deceased parent or other deceased relative did not come to take them to the Other Side. By themselves, they may dwell, lost, lonely and alone, wandering around looking for their parents. If a medium finds the earth-bound spirit of a child, they usually very willingly go into the light usually seeing their parents at the end of the tunnel waiting for them. It could be that the parent died after the child and the deceased parent does not know where the earth-bound spirit of the child is, since it is not in the spirit world on the Other Side.
14. Choosing to Stay Earth-Bound
When a person dies, they normally are visited by the spirits of close family or friends who lead them into the light and to the Other Side. It is very normal for the temperature in the room of a dying person to drop suddenly just before their death. This occurs because the loved one who have arrived to take them to the Other Side, is there and takes some of the energy from the air to materialize. Since everyone has a free will, this newly deceased person may choose instead to stay earth-bound. While there are many reasons spirits choose to stay on the earth, no one can make them move on the Other Side unless they choose to go there.
Niagara Ghost Detective ™